You can watch and hear the Sunday sermons by clicking a sermon series below which will bring up all of the sermons for that series. Each sermon series is listed from the most recently recorded to the last recorded according to dates.
John 6 - Jesus is the God who provides and participates in the difficult moments of our lives.
John 4 - Jesus encounters people for the purpose of leading them to believe in Him.
Jesus' goal is to reveal Himself and to accomplish His Father's work of making disciples.
Luke 18 - People obtain salvation by grace through faith in Jesus' death and resurrection
John 3 | Jesus uses signs to draw people into His Kingdom
John 2:13-25 | Jesus exercises, evidences and enshrouds His authority.
Jesus alone has miraculous power
True salvation leads a person to lay aside an old life and live a new life.
Psalm 92:1-15 The righteous worship God through what they remember and what they do on the Sabbath.
Psalm 119:1-8 Who are you?