You can watch and hear the Sunday sermons by clicking a sermon series below which will bring up all of the sermons for that series. Each sermon series is listed from the most recently recorded to the last recorded according to dates.
Jesus calls people to enter the kingdom through the narrow gate while being aware of the deception of false prophets and empty religions.
Believers are to value what is good and holy and the one who is good and holy.
Believers are not to judge hypocritically, condemningly or self-righteously
Matthew 6:25-34: Because God is our master we should not worry
Believers should practice their righteousness for God to see and reward
Jesus came to perfect the law and reveal perfect righteousness
Believers are to reflect the love and grace of Christ at all times, even amid perseuction.
Matthew 5:4 - The beatitudes reveal the path to and results of salvation.
Matthew 5:1 - Salvation follows a clear process in a person's life which results in blessings.